Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mr Santorum, Politics is not a Team Sport.

This self righteous former Senator from Pennsylvanian is calling a career in politics a team sport in the debate last night in Arizona. He is saying he had to take one for the team voting on bad legislation. Well the worse that has ever happened to him was he lost his Senate seat. He has not lost his congressional pension. He is not short on cash. He still gets paid from this pension from serving in the Senate. Has he really taken one for the team? No he hasn't, because he is not suffering by the choices he made while a US Senator. So who is taken one for his team. So who is really taking one for the team? We all are. So Rick if you really want to take one for the team. Here is what you do?

Take one for the team by doing the following.

Ok, Slick Pick Santorum, Here is what do if you are a REAL team player doing one for the team.

I want you and all your children go over to the Middle East and fight these wars for Israel. Take one for the team by risking your life and limb. You children's life and limbs. You want to attack Iran and all the Muslim countries. I will happily give you a rifle, uniform and you go and fight these illegal wars for Israel. By the way, just move there if you love Israel so much.

The American people are tired of taken one for your team. We are tired of seeing our veterans taken one for your team losing their life and having the limbs blown off. Committing suicide for your team and being denied care for your team. You talk lip service saying you support the troops. You taken one for the team, you have betrayed the soldiers who fought for your team. We are tired of burying soldiers who were killed for the bankers and Israel taking one for your team.

I thank God Ron Paul was not a team player in Congress. I am glad he never played the game of go along to get along. All these congress people being a team player is what is screwing this country up. Rick playing as a team player saying we have to take one for the team. But they never suffer like We the People suffer because him and his soldiers will never be sent off to war.

Politics is not a team sport. It is upholding their oath to the best of their ability. They work for the people, not for the party leadership. Rick, Mitt and Newt. What team are you on? It is certainly not ours.

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